Get a special discount by going to the SPORTSMART website. Quote our Clubs name and TEAMSMART NUMBER 800536 at the checkout and you will receive a discount of 6% and our club benefits from the sale.
SPORTSMART is excited about being involved with HORSHAM & DISTRICTS SOCCER CLUB through the TEAM SMART PROGRAM. The Horsham Falcons Team Smart number is 800536. OUR CURRENT REBATE LEVEL IS 6%.
We are not signed up to SPORTSMART'S TEAM SMART PROGRAM!
It Offers great benefits to the club and its Members
Our Team Smart number is 800536
Quote this number every time you make a purchase from Sportsmart to get two benefits:
1. For you - an instant discount off the normal selling price
2. For our club - your purchase will boost our club rebate (Horsham & District Soccer Club gets 6% back in rebates so we can put this into the purchase of equipment and can reduce our running costs!)
In addition to your discount and our club rebate, Team Smart also gives Horsham & District Soccer Club access to exclusive promotions, VIP nights and special offers.
We thank Sportsmart for supporting Horsham & District Soccer Club.